1. Introduction: By using our website and services, you agree to comply with these Terms and Conditions.

2. Vehicle Rental: Details regarding vehicle availability, booking process, and rental duration are provided. Users are responsible for adhering to the terms during the rental period.

3. Payments and Fees: Payment methods, pricing details, and additional charges are outlined. Our policies regarding deposits, refunds, cancellations, and modifications are provided.

4. Liability and Insurance: We disclaim liability for damages or accidents while using our rental vehicles. Users are responsible for understanding insurance coverage terms and vehicle usage responsibilities.

5. User Conduct and Obligations: Users are required to comply with applicable laws, use the vehicles responsibly, and adhere to pickup, usage, and return conditions.

6. Intellectual Property: Rights and restrictions related to the website’s content, trademarks, and copyrights are detailed.

7. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising from these terms will be governed by  the jurisdiction. Methods for resolving disputes are outlined.